Being one of the world's business capitals, London is also known as a trendsetter in workplace interior design. No wonder since at the moment more and more London businesses started preferring used office furniture for their setup, this concept has spread worldwide.

What might have started as a way for hype startups from Cecil Court to furnish on a dime has now turned into a vast market with seemingly endless inventory and customers from all districts and business niches of London.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is pretty natural and rational that you might be seeking quality second hand office chairs for your own workplace right now. But at the same time, you may already feel overwhelmed and confused with the variety of models, designs and options to choose from.

In this article, we shall explain how you can easily narrow down the search and find your perfect used office chair in London in a matter of only several hours.

Determine the must-haves.

There have to be some specific features you are looking for in your office furniture, the features you will not be ready to compromise on.

Working in an IT company at Kings Cross, you will probably spend several hours in a row behind your desk. Therefore you will need an ergonomic office chair with advanced support features, armrests, etc. Luckily, the market of used office chairs allows you to get a high-end brand at a reasonable price.

Suppose you are renting a small office at Aldgate and spend most of your workday on the go. In this case, you will probably aim for compact models that can easily be tucked under the desk.

Offices with high traffic of visitors would benefit from low-maintenance hygienic materials, which makes mesh chairs the best choice for them. Office furniture with unusual design elements and bright upholstery will help to create a lively, dynamic atmosphere at the workplace.

Making a brief list of must-have features for your future office chairs will help you easily brush through the inventory of the nearest used office furniture dealer and narrow the search greatly.

Don`t go too far.

The grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence, but staring at it all day, you risk getting carried away and missing the harvest in your own garden. 

You will close the deal and receive your items much faster by buying locally. It is much easier to focus and make the right choice if you narrow down your search to local dealers of second hand office chairs. Not to mention the fact that this way, you support your local community and significantly reduce the carbon footprint from logistics and delivery of your purchase.

In other words, if you want to save a great deal of time, money and effort, start with the good old Google “second hand office chairs near me” search request.

Shop personally.

The principle “what you see is what you get” does not really work with used office chairs. Even if the model that you chose is pretty popular and has tons of reviews on the Internet, there is a big chance that the previous owner could have customized and adjusted this particular chair to their needs. 

You must see your future office chair in person before the purchase, try its frame and test all the mechanisms to ensure that this item meets your expectations entirely. Even such a seemingly insignificant thing as a “strange” odour may become an ultimate dealbreaker, and it is not something that you will be able to detect through a picture on a dealer`s website.

Check the dealer.

While some people think that their communication with the dealer will end the second they make the purchase and therefore don`t really try to look into their reputation and policies, it is best to go for credible and known sellers of used office chairs in your area.

Even if you decided to see every item in person before the purchase, full disclosure from the dealer, quality live pictures, and feedback are crucial for buying second-hand furniture. Otherwise, you will simply waste your time and money on unnecessary travelling.

Pay attention to the return policies. Some companies receive items back within a certain period of time, no questions asked. Others will do so only in case of major damage that was not disclosed before the purchase. In some cases, the return policies only apply if you report a problem within a couple of days after delivery.

Keep in mind that used office chairs may come with some peculiarities that may not be obvious at first sight, and you will have to negotiate with the dealer or require additional services. It is always best to get engaged with a seller who cherishes their reputation and makes an effort in their customer policy.

Buying second hand office chairs is a great way to save money, get a great bargain on high-end branded items and make eco-friendly choices on the way. Following these simple rules, you will save a lot of time, money and effort and enjoy your quality office set up in no time.

If you are looking to buy second-hand office chairs in London, read our article.